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Cancer Makes Me Mental is very much a personal experience for me.

The words "you have cancer" is something that no one wants to hear. I wish that I could say that it was like how it is portrayed in movies, but that would be a lie. Is it a surreal experience, yes. It is one that is hard to explain sufficiently to other people (AKA cancer muggles). But it is an experience that tests not only your health, but your emotions, your relationships, your self confidence, your abilities and it instills fear like nothing else on earth. 

The blog is here for me to dump my feelings and emotions. To share my rants, my experiences but also research that I come across and things that I uncover not only in my therapy, but also in working as a therapist helping others on this f*cked up life path we have been forcefully put on. 

When you are a cancer patient, no reaction is a wrong reaction. We were never taught how to manage everything that we thought cancer was and everything that cancer is not. Especially, our "battle" with cancer doesn't stop when treatment ends or when we are in remission. 

I hope in this blog and with the resources I share, I can shed some light to those struggling....cancer patients, loved ones, caregivers. I hope that there is laughs, tears, knowledge and a sense of community that comes from this. Most importantly, I want people to know they aren't alone. 

In the cancer community you will find some of the most caring and open individuals, with biting senses of humor and you will make some of your closest friends here but you will also know the greatest pains of loss along with it. 

Welcome to the most wild ride of your life. All are welcome here. 

- Danielle

(For mental health counseling, groups and workshops for cancer patients and oncology professionals, click here.)

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